What is LSCache ?

Litespeed Cache (LSCache) is a caching application offered by Litespeed.

LSCache can make a huge difference in terms of server resources. Hosting providers who have enabled LSCache have seen their server capacity increase dramatically, allowing them to host more customers on the same hardware.

What are the advantages ? 

This allows your websites to work extremely fast and manages traffic increases and daily loads.

With LiteSpeed, your site can employ the best practices that make for a high PageSpeed score and more importantly  an exceptional user experience.

Unlike PHP scripts are presented along with caching application provides direct web server-level caching performed.

How do I activate ? 

All of the licenses now come with LSCache, our exclusive server-level full-page caching module, no add-on required come with the release of LiteSpeed Web Server 5.3.

Litespeed cache plugins for more information please click : http://www.litespeedtech.com/products/cache-plugins

Have a nice day,

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